North Creekside Apartments residents to grow food in 2015
As part of our commitment to grow healthy communities, we’re partnering with Tri-Cycle Farms to create a community garden at a 195-unit apartment community we manage. A group of thirteen North Creekside Apartments neighbors gathered last month with facilitators from Tri-Cycle Farms to share their dreams for fresh veggies and flowers next summer. Last Sunday, the area was tilled and volunteers worked to remove rocks and roots. Soon, plots will be marked, and planting will begin in the spring. Most of the garden will be shared beds for volunteers to tend with the leadership of Tri-Cycle farmers. The remaining beds will be assigned to experienced gardeners.
North Creekside volunteers will share in the harvest, and if the harvest is plentiful they hope to donate produce to a free community meal program sponsored by Feed Fayetteville.
Follow the growth of this garden on Instagram.
If you live at North Creekside and you’d like to grow your own food and meet your neighbors, please join us for an upcoming workday. Stop by the North Creekside office for details.